
ILBS INC. - Legal and Business Services

ILBS has networked and brokered partnerships with professionals drawn from diverse areas of law, management, marketing, accounting, financing, taxation, compliance, real estate and technology, to name a few, thereby offering to our clients a wide spectrum of services under one umbrella, whilst eliminating time wasting in searches and guaranteeing cohesiveness and efficiency in meeting the needs of each client.

Business Consulting:
  • Investment advice
  • Payrolls
  • Property management
  • Technological solutions
  • Custom and insurance brokerage
  • Real estate (purchasing, selling and leasing/rental)
  • Employment recruitment
  • Architecture and construction
Legal Consulting:
  • Audit and Tax consultation
  • Commercial and civil, contracts and agreements,solutions and advice
  • Commercial, civil and criminal litigation
  • Mining
  • Securities
  • Due diligence and employment
  • Financing
  • Business incorporation
  • Trade marks
  • Oil and gas

Forms & Resources

ILBS External Company Registration Intake Form
Winding Up Intake Form
Statement For Arrangement of Children
Estate Documents
Divorce Form

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